Motivational And Educational Q&A Featuring Mario Tomic !

Mario talked about his back story, his approach to nutrition and training, will he ever compete, his top 5 self development books, his opinion on what’s keeping people from being successful, tips for meeting women and did a very inspiring speech at the end so it’s definitely worth it to check out this long video. Hope you enjoy!


Okay so this is how I got the idea for this video. I was listening to a conversation between my roommates the other day, they both had an anatomy exam and were talking about which muscles were supinators and a supinator is a muscle that produces the motion of supination which when it comes to your arm means the rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm faces forward or upward. Biceps is one of those muscles and you can check that for yourself, rotate your palms and you will see your biceps contracting. So that’s why we can use different grips to focus more on different areas of the biceps, doing the overhand or the hammer grip for example when we’re trying to focus on the long head of the biceps. However when it comes to your triceps it’s not a supinator and you can also check that for yourself, again rotate your palms but this time you won’t see any change when you look at your triceps.

So this mistake is in regards to when people are doing tricep pushdowns with an underhand grip, or skull crushers for example, I’ve seen that as well. And as I mentioned a lot of people, even the ones who go for years to the gym don’t know about this. The objective of doing it underhand is to focus more on the long head of the triceps but as I said, the triceps is not a supinator so changing your grip when it comes to your triceps doesn’t mean anything, you’re basically doing the same job but are able to perform the exercise with a lot less weight this way and thus it isn’t doing you any good. As you can see in the video I did the same exercise both with the overhand and the underhand grip and nothing changed, I was just able to do the exercise with a lot less weight and it felt way more uncomfortable. So that’s a tip for you for today and also the next time you want to focus more on the long head of the triceps know that you’re focusing more on it whenever you’re performing a movement above your head, whenever you’re doing tricep extensions with dumbbells, with a barbell, on the cables, skull crushers etc.

CRAZY AESTHETICS ! The Gym Hell KILLER Back Workout !

We started off this workout with barbell rows. We only did one warm-up set and after that 3 working sets of 6-10 reps. You always want to start off your back workouts, or any other workout, with a heavy compound exercise like this one. This is going to build the thickness of your back. As you can see the way I like doing them is with a wide range of motion, stretching the lats as much as possible and placing my body almost parallel to the ground, and although it’s harder to do them this way, I feel it a lot better with this form. I managed to row 225 pounds for 7, 8 reps with a relatively clean form and I’m really happy with the strength I have currently especially because I’m cutting.

For the second exercise we did weighted pull-ups, but we didn’t do them with a wide grip rather we did them with a narrow grip like you can see in the video. You’ll perform 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps and if you can perform 10 reps with your own bodyweight I highly suggest you do them weighted, and if you can’t perform at least 6, you’re going to have your workout partner or someone else help you out by holding your legs while they’re crossed. If you’re in the 6-10 bodyweight rep zone, then you’ll do them with your own bodyweight, no need to do them weighted. Make sure to focus on the form by stretching your lats all the way down and squeezing them on the way up.

Third exercise, I would call it a unilateral dumbbell pullover, because it’s not a typical dumbbell row due to the fact that you’re not actually rowing the weight vertically but you’re rather swinging it but with full control. If you did cable pullovers before you’ll have no problem with this exercise I’m sure of it. Make sure to pick a lighter weight than you would if you did regular dumbbell rows, because these will be a lot harder and you won’t be able to perform the exercise with the same amount of weight. That’s why we’re doing the exercise with these light dumbbells. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Next up we have behind the neck wide grip lat pulldowns. Here we only did 2 sets of 10-12 reps. You want to go light on these and focus on the form and the contraction.

Wide grip cable rows. 2 sets of 10-12 reps, focusing on the upper traps and the rear delts. You want to pull  the bar to your Adam’s apple, that way you’ll be able to perform a wider range of motion. Highly suggest this exercise if you haven’t tried it before.

We finished it off with dumbbell shrugs for the traps and we did 3 sets of 8-12 reps. I have an older video on the common mistakes that occur when performing this exercise and also how to do it correctly so I’ll make sure I put a link down below in the description box. After this we just fooled around with some posing so enjoy the rest of the video and make sure you like it down below if you liked it and subscribe if you’re new to the channel for consistent weekly content.


First of all I would like to start off by saying that there’s nothing magical about the actual process of losing weight consistently, you just have to be in a caloric deficit, optimally around 300-500 calories, and you’ll slowly but steady lose weight. So when it comes to that part nothing mental about it, however sticking to a diet and avoiding some urges is all about the mentality and I’ll help you out with this man but you got to listen carefully because the things I’ll be explaining now are not that easy to understand and to apply. But if you guys master this you’ll achieve consistency in almost anything and a great success in any given field.
Basically no matter what you want to achieve in life, whether it’s a fitness goal, a business goal or anything else, sticking to a diet in your case,  usually in order to achieve that goal you’ll have to sacrifice short term pleasure for long term success. And this is how we function, whatever habit gets rewarded it gets reinforced. Let me repeat that again, whatever habit gets rewarded it gets reinforced. What do I mean by all of this? Take for instance the majority of people, what most people do is that they are looking for short term pleasure and activities that are going to give them that almost instantly, without thinking about long term pleasure. Activities like watching TV, smoking a cigar, playing video games, drinking alcohol or in your case with what you’re having problem with, eating sweets and not being able to stick to your diet.
Now what’s good in your case is that you are ready to make a change and start developing a habit so that’s already a huge plus and you’re already ahead of many people so congrats man! Now let’s continue.

Probably whenever you’re thinking about some foods that are not “clean”, you’re mostly linking short term pleasure to them. So you’re thinking about that cake, how good it looks, maybe you can even smell how good it tastes, how you’re gonna enjoy the hell out of yourself if you eat it, how it tastes amazing, how you’re maybe going to lay down in bed after that cake and just rest and enjoy yourself etc. Then you’re very likely to eat that cake without a problem and not think about the long term consequences. So remember when I said that whatever habit gets rewarded it gets reinforced? Same with not sticking to your diet or skipping a day at the gym, if you for example have been sticking to your diet for 7 days and have a crazy urge and badly cheat on your diet and get rewarded in short term for that, it is very unlikely that another 7 days will pass until you have another, no, you’re probably gonna cheat again the next day or maybe even in the next meal because you broke the consistency and got rewarded and you’re having a hard time seeing the bigger picture and the rewards in the long term, and that is achieving the physique you want. Same for example when two different people look at a cigar, one thinks: Oh man, I can’t wait to have a smoke to relax and chill and that’s why they constantly do it, while the other peson may be thinking in long term: No way in hell do I want to risk getting lung cancer, losing my voice, messing with my workouts and long term healthy life, and although I may not get that instant satisfaction that the other guy is getting, it means so much more in the long term.

So what you have to do is, when you think about stopping your diet and just continuing eating unhealthy, think about the long term pleasure it will give you if you stick to your diet and avoid your urge and link pain to actually doing it. For example: When thinking about eating a cake think of all the setbacks it’s going to give you if you eat just that one cake that will justify 1000 more to come, from achieving your dream body, and link pleasure to sticking to your diet. Now all of this is A LOT easier said than done and a lot of people can’t master this for the rest of their life, because honestly it’s not that easy. But you HAVE to stick to it, and at first the healthy food may not feel tasty to you and you may not like some hardcore workouts, but trust me if you keep the consistency and push through it at the beginning, you’re going to start loving those things, eating healthy and working out, and why? Because those habits will get rewarded, you’ll start feeling better about yourself, you’ll start noticing changes on your body and it’s going to feel 10 times more satisfying than eating a cake to kill a stupid urge.

My Honest Opinion On Zyzz And His Mentality (Steroids, Inspiration, Partying)

When it comes to Zyzz people usually either like him a lot or they can’t stand him and the reason is because of his unique, charismatic, cocky alpha personality and confidence. In my personal opinion Zyzz left a huge positive impact on the world although subjectively, from my standpoint, he made a lot of irresponsible decisions when it comes to consuming a lot of alcohol, recreational drugs, steroids. But on the other hand the only time I have a problem with that kind of yolo mentality, with which I don’t resonate at all by the way, is when a person who’s doing those kind of things is not just negatively affecting himself but also other people as well.

Through his example  Zyzz inspired people and still does from all around the world to get into the fitness lifestyle, change or amp up their personality to being more confident and although he didn’t live a healthy lifestyle in the perfect scenario that should have the opposite effect on the viewer, and that is setting an example of what’s bad as well.

So this is in my opinion the perfect approach you should have when setting a role model for yourself. Analyze. That’s what I did with Zyzz and what I still do till’ this day with every other influential person. When I first was introduced to Zyzz I looked at the positives. #1: He was dedicated to go to the gym and improve something about himself and his aesthetic look was very motivating for me or almost anyone else to start working out. Second: You see him being confident with himself and having no problem to show who he is, never had a problem of talking to a girl or being shy and insecure about anything. Those are the stuff you should take from him. #3: HIs leadership skill, You see that he has a huge following and you start figuring out some positive qualities he has that a successful leader should have. Now on the other side you see him taking steroids, drinking alcohol, smoking, doing some recreational drugs and it should set an example to avoid that part of his life because you don’t need all that, you don’t need alcohol to be confident, you don’t need steroids to build an impressive physique etc.

So my final words are that Zyzz was certainly unique and I took a lot of positive things from him and stayed away from the negatives, which again I think you should all do and not just copy a person’s entire life and mentality. I think he was a great role model regardless of some of his life choices, you don’t have to be a saint to set an example for people.

How To Increase Strength INSTANTLY ! (Increase Your Lifts In The Gym)

So I was in the gym the other day, doing a push workout and I was doing dumbbell shoulder press. The first set went okay but at the second set I was so much stronger for some reason, the right music kicked in my earphones and I pressed 2 or 3 reps more than I would usually be able to do with the same weight, it was the same weight as the set before. I thought about it a little and remembered a basic thing that almost no one pays attention to when lifting, and that is your grip.

I had an insane grip on the dumbbells when I was doing the second set because the music pumped me up and because of the grip I was able to push more weight. Now, you’re probably wondering what does the strength of your grip have to do with pressing more weight with your shoulders and triceps on the dumbbell press.

If your grip is not hard enough so the dumbbell is not in a fixed position, you need to put in additional strength to keep the dumbbell in place, and when your grip is strong the only thing that you put force into is to press the weight up. This applies for all exercises of course, not just the dumbbell press. This is also the reason why you’re stronger when doing an exercise with straps. Because your grip is firm, like you’re one with the barbell or a dumbbell and the only thing you have to focus on is the range of motion.

So the next time you’re doing almost any exercise that demands you holding the weight in your hands, grip the bar or the dumbbell as hard as you possibly can, you will see an instant improvement in the exercise you’re doing. This can only be ineffective in short term if your grip is not strong but over time if you perform the exercises like that, your grip will have no choice but to improve and because of that you’ll get stronger.

So the next time you’re in the gym, make sure you remember this video and give the advice a try and after that let me know how it went.


We’re starting off the arm workout with super-set #1: Barbell curls and close grip bench press. I did 4 sets of 8-10 reps each exercise. When it comes to barbell curls, grab the bar shoulder width and perform a controlled movement. Try not to swing at all and focus on the negative part of the lift as well. Keep your elbows locked and next to your body, you don’t want to go forward with them and involve the front delts in the movement. Close grip bench press – grab the bar slightly below shoulder width, never grab the bar too narrow because it can put a lot of stress on your wrists and it can end up with you injuring yourself. Lower the bar slightly below your chest and press the weight up.

Always start off your arm workouts with these two exercises, they are the main exercises for your arm development.

Moving on with super-set #2: Seated alternating dumbbell bicep curls and incline dumbbell skull crushers. 4 sets of 8-10 reps each exercise. The same things apply for the dumbbell curls, controlled movement with focusing on the negative part of the lift as well and don’t keep your elbows locked, and because you’re doing them seated there won’t be no swinging action going on. As for the incline dumbbell skull crushers, I highly suggest you try out this exercise if you haven’t already, keep your elbows locked here as well and just let the triceps do the work. Stretch the triceps as much as you can and then squeeze them on the way up.

Super-set #3: Close grip preacher curls and overhead EZ-bar tricep extensions. 4 sets of 8-12 reps each exercise. By doing the preacher curls close grip, we’re focusing more on the long head of the biceps. Also by doing overhead tricep extensions we’re focusing more on the long head of the triceps.

Final super-set for arms: Cable rope hammer curls and cable tricep pushdowns. 3 sets of 10-12 reps each exercise. I did hammer curls unilateral for no reason in particular but you can go ahead and do both arms at the same time. On both exercises, you want to keep your elbows locked.

Moving on to abs with decline rope cable crunches. You’re going to perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Final exercise for today are oblique twists, and what’s most important about this exercise is not the weight, but mind-muscle connection, really focusing on your obliques and squeezing them when you twist. 3 sets of 10-15 reps each side.

How To Buy A Lamborghini Before The Age Of 25? (Featuring Josef Rakich)

Josef Rakich biography:

Josef Rakich is rated #1 online personal trainer, he is an EHP-labs sponsored athlete, a fitness model and he’s got a huge social media following, around 3 million Facebook followers, 7 hundred thousand Instagram followers, 70 thousand Youtube subscribers etc.

Questions I asked Josef:
1. Why have you started working out and for how long have you been working out? (01:41 – 03:25)

2. When did you realize that this is the career path you’re going to take? (03:25 – 05:18)

3. Have you ever thought about competing? (05:18 – 06:03)

4, What keeps you motivated? (06:03 – 07:11)

5. What are your plans for the future? (07:11 – 07:55)

6. What’s your approach to training and nutrition? (07:55 – 11:02)

7. How to buy a Lamborghini before the age of 25? (11:02 – 12:42)

8. Thoughts on the traditional “path to success”? (12:42 – 16:09)



Teen Natural Bodybuilder FULL Shoulders And Legs Workout

We’re starting off with exercise #1: Squats ! 4 sets of 8/8/6/6 reps.

Exercise #2: Alternating overhead barbell press. 4 sets of 8 reps.

Exercise #3: Dumbbell lunges. 4 sets of 10/10//8/8 reps each leg.

Exercise #4: Barbell upright rows. 4 sets of 10/10//8/8 reps.

Exercise #5 and #6: (super-set) Leg extensions and dumbbell front raises. 3 sets of 10-12 reps each exercise.

Exercise #7 and #8: (super-set) Hamstring machine curls and hammer grip lateral raises. 3 sets of 10-12 reps each exercise.

Exercise #9: Machine calf raises. 5 sets of 15/12/10/8/6 reps.