Healthiest HIGH CALORIE Mass Gaining BREAKFAST In The World (Cure For Skinny Guys)

So if you’re working out regularly, you’re also maybe productive outside the gym as well with school work, work in general, developing yourself etc, I’m sure that you have days where you’re highly motivated and where you’re ready to kill a workout, work hard and achieve results both in the gym and outside of the gym, and on the other side you just have those days that align one after another, when you’re not motivated at all to either workout, work or do anything productive, and you don’t know what’s the cause for your lack of motivation and laziness. Well besides some basic factors which will determine your mood like the amount of sleep you get, the people you’re around and the foods you eat (which also play a huge role in your overall health, mood and amount of motivation, that’s why I critique the IIFYM approach or if it fits your macros approach, where you basically eat whatever foods you wish to eat as long as you count the calories and macros, but I’ll talk about that more in another video), I’ve found, through my personal experience of wondering why I’m so unmotivated some days, another 2 key factors that determine how you’re going to feel throughout your day and those are: Your morning routine and your integrity. And I’ll cover and explain both of them.

Let’s start off with your morning routine and the importance of having one. I found that the first hour or so, of your day is crucial and that it is a major factor that determines how the rest of your day is going to be like. And just before I continue I have to mention as well that the time you go to bed and the time you wake up also play a huge role in your alertness and productivity levels whether you want to believe it or not, and here’s why: Melatonin is a natural hormone made by your body’s pineal gland. This is a pea-sized gland located just above the middle of the brain. During the day the pineal is inactive. When the sun goes down and darkness occurs, the pineal is “turned on” and begins to actively produce melatonin, which is released into the blood. Usually, this occurs around 9 pm. As a result, melatonin levels in the blood rise sharply and you begin to feel less alert and sleep becomes more inviting. Melatonin levels in the blood stay elevated for about 12 hours – all through the night – before the light of a new day when they fall back to low daytime levels by about 9 am. Daytime levels of melatonin are barely detectable. So it is in great favor for you to go to bed early and also wake up early in order to get the maximum out of your energy, but having that said it’s pretty hard to follow that pattern because of certain chores maybe or work that prevent you from going to bed around 10 pm and I myself don’t always go by this rule of going to bed early, but just have that in mind.

Now let’s get back to the morning routine. What you do in the first hour of your day will very likely determine the energy you’ll have for the rest of the day. So if you wake up and stare at Facebook and Instagram newsfeed for half an hour, skip a breakfast and watch TV for an hour even if you want to do something productive later on your energy and drive levels are very likely not going to be high. That’s what I found from my own personal experience and later on saw it was true. Having that said, here’s my morning routine which helps me kill it for the entire day. You can follow the exact same one or you can add, subtract or replace some activities by your own taste.

Right after I wake up I started practicing taking a cold shower which brings alertness right away and has many health benefits on which I made a video about, so if you want to check out the video where I talked about the benefits of cold showers, it will be provided in the description box. I also do cycles of showering with hot water than right away with cold and I repeat it a couple of times which helps with circulation and mimics the sauna and the pool with cold water that’s usually placed right in front of the sauna. So if your budget is not high to afford a sauna every morning, this is a great replacement for that. After I took the cold shower I have a big healthy breakfast for which I’ll give you the recipe in a minute. And while I eat the breakfast I either read a good self development book (just finished the power of now by Eckhart Tole which I highly recommend and started the 7 habits of highly effective people) or I listen to a self improvement seminar, just to get into the right mindset and state. Ideally after that I would go and kill a workout but that doesn’t happen every time and it depends on whether I go to classes that day or not. Now with a productive morning routine like this one, you can’t help yourself but to feel like a king throughout the entire day and be productive.

With that being said here’s the recipe for the healthiest high calorie breakfast and I’ll also show you a great recipe for a detox salad in the next video, so make sure you watch out for that as well: We’re starting off with putting 200g of oats in a bowl and filling up the bowl with water, you’re going to do this before you go to bed so by morning the oats will soak up most of the water and they’ll be ready to go, if there’s any water left just pore it out in the sink. Then after that you want to put any 2 types of fruits and 2 types of nuts or seeds depending on your budget. For this meal I used prunes, an apple, raw almonds and peanuts from which only the almonds are a bit more expensive, the rest is budget friendly. I put around 40-50g of almonds and peanuts. So in total this breakfast has around 15 hundred calories which you can easily increase or decrease with the number of grams used for oats. You can’t go healthier than this and it really helps if you’re a hardgainer to put on some size. So with a strong breakfast like this one, a cold shower, some educational and inspirational material and possibly a workout, there’s no way for you not to feel good and be productive for the rest of the day.

Again, this was just my morning routine and you can make up your own or modify mine, my main goal was for you to realize the importance of what you do after you wake up. 😀

That was the first observation I made. The second one is integrity, and what I mean by that is that it’s extremely important to do what you say you’re going to do, or stick to a certain plan and not go off track unplanned, like skip a workout for example, have an unplanned cheat meal, make an excuse or change a productive activity you said you’re going to do, with something that’s not. I remember RSD Tyler talking about how having a burger at McDonalds can have a negative effect on you and your decisions weeks after you eat it and at first I thought that there’s no way that’s possible but then I found out on my own that it’s true.

So let’s say for example that you planned to workout today and just before you go you decide to skip the gym because you’re tired, or because you want to do something else, or you said you’ll wake up at 7am but instead you wake up at 11am, or you got sick of your diet and decided to have a massive unplanned cheat meal. All of those decisions will get rewarded in the short term, you’re going to get some rest from skipping a workout, you’re going to get more sleep, your mouth are going to be thankful after that nice cheat meal you had, but those small, seemingly consequence free activities may get you off track and get you in a lazy mind state because whatever habit gets rewarded, it gets reinforced. Now this doesn’t mean that these activities are necessarily bad but there’s a huge difference between having a planned cheat meal or whatever, than an unplanned one. I noticed that every time I postpone a video or don’t wake up when I say I will I automatically start making up logical excuses in my head for upcoming activities as well, like making my workout easier because I’ve been working hard until now so I deserve some rest, or have a cheat meal because I was eating clean for the past 2 weeks, and that mindset gets more and more reinforced and a whole week might pass with you slacking off and wondering what’s wrong but it was in fact that burger’s fault you ate a week ago or something like that.

Now I know this sounds very hard to believe but just have it in mind and observe this on your own from now on and you’ll see whether it’s true or not.



So before we start talking about are girls mirin’ aesthetics or not and are you going to become a chick magnet if you achieve an impressive physique, I first have to cover the key factor girls value in a man and that is his confidence level and the relationship between working out and building confidence and self esteem.

So does working out build confidence and self esteem? There’s no yes or no answer to this, in order to answer this question first we must start off with why we begin working out in the first place. There are many reasons for that, here are some common examples: To get bigger, to lose weight, to achieve an aesthetic physique, to get stronger etc. And all of these reasons are in 99.99 percent of cases coming from a place of us wanting to feel good about ourselves, please ourselves and other people or get their approval (and it’s usually from both sexes) and from a place of us wanting to change our appearance for the better and not stay in the current shape.

You’ve also maybe seen some videos of Zyzz, Jeff Seid, Connor Murphy killing it with the ladies because of their aesthetics and it got you motivated to start working out and improve yourself, nothing wrong with that by the way, whatever it takes to get you off the couch and into the gym. 😀

So the reasons are not coming from a place of abundance but rather from scarcity. And that is acceptable and it’s what usually gets you off your ass and makes you take that first step toward change and bettering yourself.

However, if you keep the same mentality of always wanting to improve yourself because you’re not happy with your physique and yourself in general, and you depend on your physical appearance or anything else, you’re screwed, and I’ll explain this in a while.

So like I said, at the beginning of your fitness journey you’ve probably seen someone who’s physique you admired and also their character and confidence levels maybe and that got you motivated to acquire an aesthetic physique and be just like them. However you’ve only seen the surface and didn’t accurately know how much time is it going to take for you to achieve a similar physique or if the physique is even achievable naturally or not. Right then you may have set some unrealistic expectations in regards to getting fast results in the gym and that can really have a negative effect on you in the long run.

So from my experience, when I started working out in the first 3-6 months I’ve seen some drastic changes in my body and after a while I started getting positive feedbacks both from males and the less obvious ones from females of course, right? You can’t expect a female to come to you and say:”Wow, your biceps are so big, wanna do me? Maybe she’s thinking about it but she’ll never say that to you. 😀 So, you get the validation from the guys asking you for tips how they can look like you, you look good in your eyes as well and also see some notice from girls, your ego gets gratification and bam, just like that your confidence level rises. But it’s not the true core confidence, it’s the one that depends on outside factors.

So if you stop feeding your ego here, realize you’re awesome and continue training and improving from a place of abundance then you’re surely set for success. Misery is usually the first motivator but don’t let it be your last.

If however you continue depending on your physique and gratification, and the mentality that you need to grow in order to feel happy about yourself, it will never be enough for you. Especially because as you workout longer the progress gets slower so it can’t keep up with your unrealistic expectations. You’re going to start seeing some minor flaws in your physique you haven’t seen before, like lagging upper chest, posterior deltoids etc. and start obsessing about some minor things nobody’s noticing in the first place. And again, there’s nothing wrong with improvement, it’s about the place it’s coming from.

I literally reached a point where I couldn’t wait to go and workout so I can feel better and I linked working out with happiness so automatically I wanted to come back more and more, like an addiction. I hated rest days too and all I thought about on rest days was the gym. My confidence levels were based on what I was wearing as well, if I wore a tight shirt I was confident and if I wore baggy clothes I wasn’t. Can you relate to all of this? 😀

So from that standpoint of getting confidence from outside factors, there’s no difference between a guy getting confident if his physique is constantly improving or his financial state versus a guy gaining confidence from drinking a couple of beers.

I’ve seen numerous people taking steroids just so they can feed their ego and go beyond their current physique, they’re not competing or anything like that, just recreationally so they can feel better about themselves.

Confidence and self esteem come from within and they shouldn’t be depended on outside factors. I know people who never worked out in their entire life, are overweight or skinny for example, and yet their confidence and self esteem levels are through the roof also on the other side I know a ton of people who, when you look at them you think to yourself that they should be extremely confident, but in reality they are the ones obsessing about how they look and never being enough in their eyes, although they’ve been working out for quite some time now and look great by society’s standards. Like I said at one point I myself was caught up in this when it comes to working out and improving myself.

So now that we’ve covered that, do girls like fit and muscular guys? Or better yet, will you notice more attraction from girls if you achieve an aesthetic physique? The answer is yes but it’s not important to them as you think it is and if you don’t have the confidence and the character to back up your physique, you won’t see much change except some glares at you, but then again they’re worthless if you don’t have the balls to walk up with confidence to that girl and start a conversation. Zyzz was not good with girls just because of his physique, that’s only a fragment, the key was his confidence level that was going through the roof. Also if you want to check out a video where I gave my honest opinion on Zyzz, I’ll provide the link in the description box.

Now, just as I promised here’s a bonus workout tip: So this idea crossed my mind, what is better for your shoulders development, the standing military press or the seated military press? Whenever there’s a discussion on shoulders it’s always mentioned that the military press (usually demonstrated by performing it while standing) is the best exercise for the shoulders. But in fact doing the military press seated is better for your shoulder development because you are able to push a bit more weight and also because there’s not much core and leg involvement in the movement whereas when you’re doing the standing military press your core and legs have to be involved more in order to maintain balance and you’re able to push a little less weight because of that. So the next time you chose between the standing military press and the seated, if you’re primarily interested in your shoulders development, chose the seated military press.

How To Get HUGE With CALISTHENICS ! 30 Min Full Body Workout (No Equipment Required)

Let’s first start off with me telling you about a huge mistake I made when I only did bodyweight exercises. So I started working out because I wasn’t able to do a single push-up or a pull-up but after a while when I was able to do a couple of those I switched my goals so now my main goal was gaining muscle mass. In the first 2 or 3 months I was very happy with the progress I made and I didn’t even workout that much but after a while I didn’t see almost any improvement in my physique although I was able to do more and more push-ups each and every single day. So this is why people usually come to a conclusion that if you want to continue gaining muscle you have to start going to the gym, but that is not necessarily true.

So in order to understand what mistake I made when I only did bodyweight exercises I have to explain to you hypertrophy training, which is basically training with a goal of gaining muscle mass, and the perfect rep range for gaining muscle mass is between 6-12 reps. Now this doesn’t mean that if you do less or more that you’re not going to gain any muscle, of course not! It just means that the rep range I mentioned is the most optimal for a person who’s main goal is gaining muscle mass. just like someone who’s main goal is to gain strength is training within the rep range of 1-5 reps or for someone who’s main goal is endurance and performs higher reps.

Now let’s continue talking about body weight fitness. It’s extremely beneficial at first when you’re still weak and you can do all body weight exercises keeping it between the rep ranges of 6-12 reps and going almost or completely to failure within that rep range. But as you workout longer it just gets easier and easier. So my problem was that after a while I was be able to perform way more reps than 12 with my own body weight, so when I went from being able to perform 40 push-ups in one set to 50, I did not get a bigger chest, I just got better at doing push-ups, but I’m sure you’re mainly interested in muscle gains and not being able to do an insane amount of push-ups.

Now, how can you stay between the rep ranges of 6-12 reps while still doing only body weight exercises? You can do tougher variations of an exercise to make it harder for you. The only problem with this  is that although there are tougher variations of an exercise, that does not mean that it’s going to be more beneficial for muscle growth. It’s tough as hell to do a back flip but it doesn’t mean that if it’s tougher than doing a set of 8 reps on the bench press, that it’s more beneficial for muscle growth, 2 completely different things.

That’s why it’s a very good idea, and I’ve seen it a lot recently, to start adding additional weight to all of your body weight exercises when you get strong enough. That’s a great way of producing constant muscle growth while still staying loyal to the pull-up bar.
So in conclusion, in order to get the maximum out of push-ups, pull-ups, dips etc. you want to always stay within the rep range of 6-12 reps by either doing tougher variations of the exercises or adding additional weight. Now let’s move on to the full body bodyweight workout.

The workout consists of pull-ups, push-ups, dips, squats and hanging leg raises. Check the full detailed workout in the video!

FAT BURNING HACK ! 10 INCREDIBLE Benefits Of Taking Cold Showers

Getting your body in a cold state makes your body burn extra calories and thus make weight loss easier but it still doesn’t mean that you will lose weight if you’re not in a caloric deficit, this is just an extra tool for fat loss added to a proper diet, workout routine and rest. However what I wanted to mention as well besides the fat loss benefit are some other benefits of cold showers as well, I’ll talk about one in particular and then I’ll just mention the other at the end of the video because I don’t feel there’s a need to dive deeply into detail with each single one. What taking cold showers is going to have an impact on is your character and mentality. The whole process is based on breaking out of your comfort zone. You are used to taking nice and comfortable hot showers so if you build up the habit of taking cold showers instead of hot showers, it is going to be a huge breakthrough for you and the mentality will rub off in other areas of your life. Approaching a girl: Peh, that’s nothing, I take cold showers, or having a speech in front of an audience, it’s nothing. Now you won’t master all of those other things just by having cold showers but you are going to build up the courage and the consistency of constantly breaking out of certain comfort zones that you have to be broken out of.

I said it in a lot of other videos and I’ll say it here as well, it’s all about sacrificing short term pleasures for long term success, or sacrifice experiencing short term pain for long term pleasure and benefits. Taking a cold shower is definitely not the best and most enjoyable experience, especially the first few times you do it, but immediately after you take a cold shower you are going to feel a lot better, your mind is going to be more clear and after a few times you’ll think like: “Hmm, I broke through this, what else am I capable of doing and what else have I holding back from, what more can I overcome”. So besides of the fat loss benefit and comfort zone breaking benefit here are some other benefits that come from taking cold showers:

–  Cold Showers Improve Circulation

–  They Reduce Stress

–  Cold Showers Speed Up Muscle Recovery

–  Cold Showers Increase Alertness

–  They Improve Emotional Resilience

–  They’ll Improve Your Skin & Hair

–  Cold Showers Increase Testosterone

–  They Boost Fertility

–  Cold Showers Improve Immunity

Now the first few times the way you want to approach them is by gradually decreasing the temperature while you’re showering from hot to cold, if you go all out for the first time there’s a high chance of you not trying to take a cold shower ever again, because they’re certainly not a joke and it takes a real man to handle them. So if you want to improve your manhood make sure you incorporate cold showers in your daily routine!

1 DUMBBELL ENTERTAINING LEG WORKOUT | Grow Your Quads, Hamstrings And Calves At Home

1 DUMBBELL ENTERTAINING LEG WORKOUT | Grow Your Quads, Hamstrings And Calves At Home. In this video I show you a whole leg workout you can do at home or at the gym and all you’ll need is one dumbbell. Hope you enjoy!

Exercise #1: Sumo squats. On this and all of the other exercises you will perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Exercise #2. Unilateral leg lunges.

Exercise #3: Elevated leg lunges.

Exercise #4: Unilateral dumbbell Romanian deadlifts.

Exercise #5: Calf raises.

11 WORST Back Traning MISTAKES | How To Get A V-Taper And Make Your Lats Grow!

We’re starting off with mistake #1: Doing deadlifts on back day if back is your weakpoint. Now, don’t get me wrong, deadlifts are one of the best exercises if not the best exercise for your overall body development but if back is your weakpoint, doing deadlifts as a first exercise on back days will tire you out a lot and although you’ll hit your back you’ll also put a lot of focus on your legs and our main objective is bringing up the back. So if back is your weakpoint instead of doing deadlifts on back day I would suggest you do them on leg days and on back days switch them up with rack pulls. You’ll be able to pull a bit more weight and with these you’re putting more focus on the back and a lot less on the legs. It’s important to place the bars that are holding the barbell just below your knees, the rest is just like when you’re performing deadlifts.

Mistake #2: Doing a lot of isolation exercises instead of heavy compound lifts. So instead of your back workout consisting of cable rows, unilateral lat pulldowns, cable pullovers etc focus mainly on the compound movements like T-bar rows, barbell rows, weighted pull-ups, rack pulls, that’s what’s going to get your back to grow, leave the isolation exercises as one or two exercises at the end of your back workouts after you do the main compound lifts, a huge mistake I made at the beginning!

Mistake #3: Doing traps with light weight instead of heavy weight. You are not going to grow your traps with cable rope shrugs or doing dumbbell shrugs with 25lbs dumbbells focusing on the squeezing and the contraction. When it comes to your traps they were designed so that they can hold an extreme amount of weight so you want to grow them with heavy barbell shrugs or even better incorporating farmer walks and just holding a loaded barbell in your hands for a few seconds (you’ll probably need some straps for this because your grip is going to go out before your traps). Now you’re probably saying but where’s the contraction in farmer walks, well you don’t necessarily need it, just go look at any strongman and you’ll see their traps are enormous and it’s not from shrugs but from heavy farmer walks, deadlifts etc.

Mistake #4: This is a more specific one and it is in regards to doing lat pulldowns. A lot of people make a mistake of not staying in a vertical position but instead going backwards with their body and thus changing the lat pulldown basically into a rowing movement which you’re able to perform with a lot less weight than if you did a regular rowing movement so it’s pretty much ineffective. So instead of doing that make sure you stay in a fixed vertical position when doing lat pulldowns to get the maximum benefit out of the exercise.

Mistake #5: Not knowing which exercise hits which part of the back. For example someone’s back routine can consist of barbell rows, dumbbell rows, T-bar rows, machine T-bar rows and with this kind of workout you’ll be focusing mainly on the middle part of the back and that’s it, which can lead to muscular imbalances when it comes to your back. It’s very important to know this in order to train your entire back properly and get an aesthetic looking v-taper not a weird looking back.

Adding up to this, mistake #6: It’s not really that much of a mistake but more a useful tip and it is in regards to barbell rows, when you’re doing them with an overhand grip know that you’re focusing mainly on the middle part of your back and when you’re doing the exercise with an underhand grip you’re focusing more on the lower lat development and it also puts more pressure on your biceps as well.

Mistake #7: Neglecting your lower back, a huge one! Not doing exercises like deadlifts or hyper extensions can lead to some serious lower back injuries if you don’t strengthen it and if it’s lagging compared to the rest of your back and your abs. I suggest squeezing in a lower back exercise every time you’re doing abs as well.

Mistake #8: Neglecting your upper back and your rear delts! A great exercise you can incorporate for this area of your back is this rowing cable movement where you’ll grab a wide bar on the cables and focus on pulling it to your Adam’s apple while squeezing the upper back.

Mistake #9: Not doing pull-ups! Pull-ups are the best exercise for your lats development, period! And a lot of people neglect them when they start going to the gym because it’s a bodyweight exercise and they maybe think they’re past that and it’s not effective anymore. But once you’re able to perform more than 10 reps per set start doing them weighted and make sure you don’t neglect them because it’s the number #1 back builder of all times.

Mistake #10: Not retracting your scapula when doing pull-ups and some other exercises like dumbbell rows for example. You can see in the video that before I start going up I did sort of a reversed shrug and that’s the best way I can explain through a video how to retract your scapula, after that from that position start doing the pull-up and make sure you do a full range of motion every time you’re doing pull-ups!

Mistake #11: Not hooking to the bar! Let me explain, when doing lat pulldowns for example or pull-ups in this case, you want to place your hands over the bar like hooks.

Bonus tip! It is very important when it comes to your back workouts to focus pulling more with your elbows than with your biceps, that way you’ll be putting more stress on your back and less on your biceps. Mind-muscle connection plays a huge role in this!



4 reasons to make your own peanut butter:
– You know it’s healthy because you put in the ingredients yourself and all of them are healthy (peanuts, olive oil and honey)
– It’s cheaper
– It’s easy to make
– It tastes a lot better (in my opinion)

Besides from the ingredients you’ll need (peanut, olive oil and honey), you’ll also need a blender which almost every household has but if you don’t you can buy it, it’s not expensive and it’s very useful.

You’ll need 300g of peanut butter, 5 scoops of olive oil and 5 scoops of honey, that’s it! Putting a little bit of salt in is optional. For more details watch the video!