SHREDUCATION 101: How To Lose Weight And Get Shredded For The Summer (THE TRUTH)


So like I said losing weight is not something extremely difficult that you have to read a whole book on or only stick to certain foods and avoid foods that “make you fat”, or something extremely easy in terms of just being in a caloric deficit, especially if you want to get to very low body-fat percentages for the summer and get shredded so you can show off your abs. The lower your body-fat percentage goal is, the harder it’ll be for you to achieve it. Constantly being in the same 300 or 500 caloric deficit will not get you to 0 percent body-fat if you implement it long enough, that’s for sure. Your body is way smarter than you thought and also very adaptive, just like if you were to do the same workout routine with the same amount of weight, exercises, sets and reps, your body would get used to that after a while and you would hit a plateau.

Now let’s first cover which foods to eat. The typical questions: “Bro which foods should I avoid in order to lose fat?”, or “Which foods burn fat?”,”Will I get fat if I eat this?”. You can also see a lot of clickbait ads talking about the five foods to avoid when trying to lose weight, or 3 fruits that burn fat instantly and stuff like that. In reality the foods you eat have nothing to do with your weight loss or weight gain in those terms. But having that said I always suggest eating “clean” and healthy not necessarily because of making your fat loss journey easier, because there are a lot of healthy foods that are very high in calories, but because of your overall health, mindset, etc. And we’re here to develop ourselves in every aspect as much as possible not just acquire those aesthetics brah.

Having all of that said here’s how you’ll start off your shredding journey. Calculate the exact amount of calories you burn each day (your maintenance level) and you can do that by finding a calorie calculator on Google and I’ll also make sure I post a link to one in the description box. When you’re done with that subtract somewhere around 300-500 calories from your maintenance level and that will be your daily caloric intake. You are not going to experience some super fast fat loss results with being in a low caloric deficit like this one but when it comes to shredding and preserving as much muscle mass as possible, slow and steady wins the race. Otherwise your energy levels are going to be very low, resulting in having bad workouts and fast strength loss and ultimately resulting to you losing a lot of muscle mass as well. Your weightlifting workouts should also stay the same when you’re shredding, when you’re in the gym just forget that you’re even on a cut and focus on pushing or pulling as much weight as you can within the hypertrophy friendly rep range in order to preserve your muscle mass.

As far as the macronutrient ratio goes I have an older video where I talked about how much proteins, fats and carbs to eat during a cut so make sure you check it out if you’re interested I’ll provide the link in the description box.

Now that you’re in a caloric deficit make sure you track your weekly progress, this is very important because at a certain point you’ll hit a plateau where you won’t be burning fat anymore simply because your body got used to it and your metabolism slowed down. So week one you burned 2 pounds of fat for example (this of course depends on the caloric deficit you’re in), week two the same, week three and so on. Eventually you’ll hit a plateau where you won’t be losing weight anymore and the time when this will happen depends on a lot of factors (it varies from one person to another, depends on your body fat percentage goal (the lower it is the higher your chance of hitting a plateau earlier) and so on…). So when you see that you only lost half a pound in a 7 days period or none at all you’ll know that it’s time to do something different and what is that you ask?

Here are my 2 personal favorite methods you can try out: Number one is intermittent fasting and I don’t want to stay on this topic for too long but what intermittent fasting comes down to is consuming all of your daily amount of calories within a short specific amount of time with having 2-4 meals and after that not eat within a couple of hours. For example the most common one is eating within a period of 8 hours and then after that fast for 16 hours, or eat within a period of 6 hours and then fast for 18. I would recommend having a strong breakfast when you wake up so try and arrange it based on that. Now an argument might come: “Well if you only ate within a period of 6 or 8 hours you wouldn’t be able to eat 6 small meals a day”. The 6 or 8 small meals a day thing has been outdated and confirmed to be a myth and it got popular based on another one stating that your body can only absorb somewhere around 20-25g of protein per meal. This has been also scientifically debunked but I don’t want to bore you with that it’s simply not my style but you can also think about it from a logical standpoint. Your ancestors living in a cave did not have the luxury to eat 6 small meals a day or even 3 for that matter, in fact they might even go days without eating and only having giant meals when they catch a pray. So do you really think that in those kind of circumstances the building blocks of our body which we need in order to survive would only be absorbed in quantities of 20g per meal? Doesn’t make sense right? So you don’t have to worry about that, I also used to eat 6 small meals a day and then when I transferred to eating less meals a day but with the same amount of calories and I didn’t see any differences whatsoever.

We’re done with talking about intermittent fasting, method number 2 is carb cycling, and what it comes down to is that you’re going to sort of trick your body by consuming the same amount of calories on a weekly basis but with manipulating your carbohydrate intake, and how are you going to do that? Simple, you’re going to have high carb days, medium and low carb days one after another. So the medium carb day will be the same as every other day since you started your cut, on high carb days you’re going to increase the amount of carbohydrates and on low carb days you’re going to decrease the same amount of carbs you increased on a high carb day.

With these 2 methods, especially guaranteed for carb cycling, you will surely break your weight loss plateau and continue shredding fat.

Now let’s talk about your cardio routine. The way I approach cardio is not goal oriented so that I only do it when I’m cutting in order to burn extra amount of calories. I do cardio year around for health purposes, mainly cardiovascular health. So you want to think about your heart just like every other muscle, you want to train it year around and not leave it behind. So in those terms I would advise you to do cardio for your overall health but when it comes to using it as a tool for a cutting season the best approach in my opinion is to do steady pace light cardio sessions or even only taking walks around the park instead of doing some crazy, high demanding cardio sessions. The reason behind it is that you want to preserve as much energy as possible and not waste it on some exhausting cardio routines, the main energy focus should be on your weightlifting workouts.

Another interesting fat burning tool I would like to mention is taking cold showers on which I also made a video about so make sure you check that out as well if you’re interested.

In the end guys I just want to mention that although working out and building a great body is a great thing for you to do, don’t get obsessed with getting to extremely low body-fat percentages just so you could look good in your own eyes because the energy loses are not worth it not to mention the health consequences of being at extreme low body-fat percentages as well.

FAT BURNING HACK ! 10 INCREDIBLE Benefits Of Taking Cold Showers

Getting your body in a cold state makes your body burn extra calories and thus make weight loss easier but it still doesn’t mean that you will lose weight if you’re not in a caloric deficit, this is just an extra tool for fat loss added to a proper diet, workout routine and rest. However what I wanted to mention as well besides the fat loss benefit are some other benefits of cold showers as well, I’ll talk about one in particular and then I’ll just mention the other at the end of the video because I don’t feel there’s a need to dive deeply into detail with each single one. What taking cold showers is going to have an impact on is your character and mentality. The whole process is based on breaking out of your comfort zone. You are used to taking nice and comfortable hot showers so if you build up the habit of taking cold showers instead of hot showers, it is going to be a huge breakthrough for you and the mentality will rub off in other areas of your life. Approaching a girl: Peh, that’s nothing, I take cold showers, or having a speech in front of an audience, it’s nothing. Now you won’t master all of those other things just by having cold showers but you are going to build up the courage and the consistency of constantly breaking out of certain comfort zones that you have to be broken out of.

I said it in a lot of other videos and I’ll say it here as well, it’s all about sacrificing short term pleasures for long term success, or sacrifice experiencing short term pain for long term pleasure and benefits. Taking a cold shower is definitely not the best and most enjoyable experience, especially the first few times you do it, but immediately after you take a cold shower you are going to feel a lot better, your mind is going to be more clear and after a few times you’ll think like: “Hmm, I broke through this, what else am I capable of doing and what else have I holding back from, what more can I overcome”. So besides of the fat loss benefit and comfort zone breaking benefit here are some other benefits that come from taking cold showers:

–Ā  Cold Showers Improve Circulation

–Ā  They Reduce Stress

–Ā  Cold Showers Speed Up Muscle Recovery

–Ā  Cold Showers Increase Alertness

–Ā  They Improve Emotional Resilience

–Ā  Theyā€™ll Improve Your Skin & Hair

–Ā  Cold Showers Increase Testosterone

–Ā  They Boost Fertility

–Ā  Cold Showers Improve Immunity

Now the first few times the way you want to approach them is by gradually decreasing the temperature while you’re showering from hot to cold, if you go all out for the first time there’s a high chance of you not trying to take a cold shower ever again, because they’re certainly not a joke and it takes a real man to handle them. So if you want to improve your manhood make sure you incorporate cold showers in your daily routine!

1 DUMBBELL ENTERTAINING LEG WORKOUT | Grow Your Quads, Hamstrings And Calves At Home

1 DUMBBELL ENTERTAINING LEG WORKOUT | Grow Your Quads, Hamstrings And Calves At Home. In this video I show you a whole leg workout you can do at home or at the gym and all you’ll need is one dumbbell. Hope you enjoy!

Exercise #1: Sumo squats. On this and all of the other exercises you will perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Exercise #2. Unilateral leg lunges.

Exercise #3: Elevated leg lunges.

Exercise #4: Unilateral dumbbell Romanian deadlifts.

Exercise #5: Calf raises.

11 WORST Back Traning MISTAKES | How To Get A V-Taper And Make Your Lats Grow!

We’re starting off with mistake #1: Doing deadlifts on back day if back is your weakpoint. Now, don’t get me wrong, deadlifts are one of the best exercises if not the best exercise for your overall body development but if back is your weakpoint, doing deadlifts as a first exercise on back days will tire you out a lot and although you’ll hit your back you’ll also put a lot of focus on your legs and our main objective is bringing up the back. So if back is your weakpoint instead of doing deadlifts on back day I would suggest you do them on leg days and on back days switch them up with rack pulls. You’ll be able to pull a bit more weight and with these you’re putting more focus on the back and a lot less on the legs. It’s important to place the bars that are holding the barbell just below your knees, the rest is just like when you’re performing deadlifts.

Mistake #2: Doing a lot of isolation exercises instead of heavy compound lifts. So instead of your back workout consisting of cable rows, unilateral lat pulldowns, cable pullovers etc focus mainly on the compound movements like T-bar rows, barbell rows, weighted pull-ups, rack pulls, that’s what’s going to get your back to grow, leave the isolation exercises as one or two exercises at the end of your back workouts after you do the main compound lifts, a huge mistake I made at the beginning!

Mistake #3: Doing traps with light weight instead of heavy weight. You are not going to grow your traps with cable rope shrugs or doing dumbbell shrugs with 25lbs dumbbells focusing on the squeezing and the contraction. When it comes to your traps they were designed so that they can hold an extreme amount of weight so you want to grow them with heavy barbell shrugs or even better incorporating farmer walks and just holding a loaded barbell in your hands for a few seconds (you’ll probably need some straps for this because your grip is going to go out before your traps). Now you’re probably saying but where’s the contraction in farmer walks, well you don’t necessarily need it, just go look at any strongman and you’ll see their traps are enormous and it’s not from shrugs but from heavy farmer walks, deadlifts etc.

Mistake #4: This is a more specific one and it is in regards to doing lat pulldowns. A lot of people make a mistake of not staying in a vertical position but instead going backwards with their body and thus changing the lat pulldown basically into a rowing movement which you’re able to perform with a lot less weight than if you did a regular rowing movement so it’s pretty much ineffective. So instead of doing that make sure you stay in a fixed vertical position when doing lat pulldowns to get the maximum benefit out of the exercise.

Mistake #5: Not knowing which exercise hits which part of the back. For example someone’s back routine can consist of barbell rows, dumbbell rows, T-bar rows, machine T-bar rows and with this kind of workout you’ll be focusing mainly on the middle part of the back and that’s it, which can lead to muscular imbalances when it comes to your back. It’s very important to know this in order to train your entire back properly and get an aesthetic looking v-taper not a weird looking back.

Adding up to this, mistake #6: It’s not really that much of a mistake but more a useful tip and it is in regards to barbell rows, when you’re doing them with an overhand grip know that you’re focusing mainly on the middle part of your back and when you’re doing the exercise with an underhand grip you’re focusing more on the lower lat development and it also puts more pressure on your biceps as well.

Mistake #7: Neglecting your lower back, a huge one! Not doing exercises like deadlifts or hyper extensions can lead to some serious lower back injuries if you don’t strengthen it and if it’s lagging compared to the rest of your back and your abs. I suggest squeezing in a lower back exercise every time you’re doing abs as well.

Mistake #8: Neglecting your upper back and your rear delts! A great exercise you can incorporate for this area of your back is this rowing cable movement where you’ll grab a wide bar on the cables and focus on pulling it to your Adam’s apple while squeezing the upper back.

Mistake #9: Not doing pull-ups! Pull-ups are the best exercise for your lats development, period! And a lot of people neglect them when they start going to the gym because it’s a bodyweight exercise and they maybe think they’re past that and it’s not effective anymore. But once you’re able to perform more than 10 reps per set start doing them weighted and make sure you don’t neglect them because it’s the number #1 back builder of all times.

Mistake #10: Not retracting your scapula when doing pull-ups and some other exercises like dumbbell rows for example. You can see in the video that before I start going up I did sort of a reversed shrug and that’s the best way I can explain through a video how to retract your scapula, after that from that position start doing the pull-up and make sure you do a full range of motion every time you’re doing pull-ups!

Mistake #11: Not hooking to the bar! Let me explain, when doing lat pulldowns for example or pull-ups in this case, you want to place your hands over the bar like hooks.

Bonus tip! It is very important when it comes to your back workouts to focus pulling more with your elbows than with your biceps, that way you’ll be putting more stress on your back and less on your biceps. Mind-muscle connection plays a huge role in this!



4 reasons to make your own peanut butter:
– You know it’s healthy because you put in the ingredients yourself and all of them are healthy (peanuts, olive oil and honey)
– It’s cheaper
– It’s easy to make
– It tastes a lot better (in my opinion)

Besides from the ingredients you’ll need (peanut, olive oil and honey), you’ll also need a blender which almost every household has but if you don’t you can buy it, it’s not expensive and it’s very useful.

You’ll need 300g of peanut butter, 5 scoops of olive oil and 5 scoops of honey, that’s it! Putting a little bit of salt in is optional. For more details watch the video!


Okay so this is how I got the idea for this video. I was listening to a conversation between my roommates the other day, they both had an anatomy exam and were talking about which muscles were supinators and a supinator is a muscle that produces the motion of supination which when it comes to your arm means the rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm faces forward or upward. Biceps is one of those muscles and you can check that for yourself, rotate your palms and you will see your biceps contracting. So that’s why we can use different grips to focus more on different areas of the biceps, doing the overhand or the hammer grip for example when we’re trying to focus on the long head of the biceps. However when it comes to your triceps it’s not a supinator and you can also check that for yourself, again rotate your palms but this time you won’t see any change when you look at your triceps.

So this mistake is in regards to when people are doing tricep pushdowns with an underhand grip, or skull crushers for example, I’ve seen that as well. And as I mentioned a lot of people, even the ones who go for years to the gym don’t know about this. The objective of doing it underhand is to focus more on the long head of the triceps but as I said, the triceps is not a supinator so changing your grip when it comes to your triceps doesn’t mean anything, you’re basically doing the same job but are able to perform the exercise with a lot less weight this way and thus it isn’t doing you any good. As you can see in the video I did the same exercise both with the overhand and the underhand grip and nothing changed, I was just able to do the exercise with a lot less weight and it felt way more uncomfortable. So that’s a tip for you for today and also the next time you want to focus more on the long head of the triceps know that you’re focusing more on it whenever you’re performing a movement above your head, whenever you’re doing tricep extensions with dumbbells, with a barbell, on the cables, skull crushers etc.

CRAZY AESTHETICS ! The Gym Hell KILLER Back Workout !

We started off this workout with barbell rows. We only did one warm-up set and after that 3 working sets of 6-10 reps. You always want to start off your back workouts, or any other workout, with a heavy compound exercise like this one. This is going to build the thickness of your back. As you can see the way I like doing them is with a wide range of motion, stretching the lats as much as possible and placing my body almost parallel to the ground, and although it’s harder to do them this way, I feel it a lot better with this form. I managed to row 225 pounds for 7, 8 reps with a relatively clean form and I’m really happy with the strength I have currently especially because I’m cutting.

For the second exercise we did weighted pull-ups, but we didn’t do them with a wide grip rather we did them with a narrow grip like you can see in the video. You’ll perform 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps and if you can perform 10 reps with your own bodyweight I highly suggest you do them weighted, and if you can’t perform at least 6, you’re going to have your workout partner or someone else help you out by holding your legs while they’re crossed. If you’re in the 6-10 bodyweight rep zone, then you’ll do them with your own bodyweight, no need to do them weighted. Make sure to focus on the form by stretching your lats all the way down and squeezing them on the way up.

Third exercise, I would call it a unilateral dumbbell pullover, because it’s not a typical dumbbell row due to the fact that you’re not actually rowing the weight vertically but you’re rather swinging it but with full control. If you did cable pullovers before you’ll have no problem with this exercise I’m sure of it. Make sure to pick a lighter weight than you would if you did regular dumbbell rows, because these will be a lot harder and you won’t be able to perform the exercise with the same amount of weight. That’s why we’re doing the exercise with these light dumbbells. Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Next up we have behind the neck wide grip lat pulldowns. Here we only did 2 sets of 10-12 reps. You want to go light on these and focus on the form and the contraction.

Wide grip cable rows. 2 sets of 10-12 reps, focusing on the upper traps and the rear delts. You want to pullĀ  the bar to your Adam’s apple, that way you’ll be able to perform a wider range of motion. Highly suggest this exercise if you haven’t tried it before.

We finished it off with dumbbell shrugs for the traps and we did 3 sets of 8-12 reps. I have an older video on the common mistakes that occur when performing this exercise and also how to do it correctly so I’ll make sure I put a link down below in the description box. After this we just fooled around with some posing so enjoy the rest of the video and make sure you like it down below if you liked it and subscribe if you’re new to the channel for consistent weekly content.