Back And Biceps Workout For Mass !

I decided to start off this workout with unilateral machine rows. This is a great machine for your back and if you don’t have it in your gym, you can start off with barbell rows. Maybe I would’ve had too if I didn’t want to test out all of the machines in the new gym. I prefer doing this exercise unilateral because it feels better and you can lift just a bit more weight by doing it like this because you’re maintaining balance with your other arm. I did 4 sets of 8-10 reps.

We’re moving on to machine T-bar rows. Again, if you don’t have this machine in your gym, you can always do regular T-bar rows with a barbell, you’ll just have to improvise like I did so far. With both of these exercises we are working mainly on the thickness of the back. I also did 4 sets of 8-10 reps on this one as well.

Next exercise are pull-ups, and you’re going to be doing 3 sets to failure with a slow and controlled movement as much as possible. Our goal with this exercise is to really feel the lats stretching on the way down and contracting on the way up. If you can’t do at least 5 or 6 reps like this, you may want to find someone who’ll help you out with pull-ups by holding your legs or you can do lat pulldowns.

Exercise number 4,  close grip lat pulldowns. Besides your hands, try to keep your upper body in the same position as much as possible, you don’t want to make it a rowing movement by swinging to the back, I see a lot of people make this mistake when working on their lats. This exercise is particularly great for the lower lats development. I did 3 sets of 10 reps.

Since we didn’t do deadlifts today we mustn’t forget our lower back, so exercise number 5 is weighted hyper extension. This exercise also targets your gluteus and hamstrings and it focuses more on the muscle which you’re thinking about in your head, no matter how much broscience all of this sounds, so in this case you want to establish a mind-muscle connection with your lower back. No need to go heavy here, I did 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

We’re also going to do one exercise for traps as well, dumbbell shrugs. 4 sets of 8-10 reps. I’ve got an older video on how the perform this exercise correctly and the mistakes that people usually make when it comes to dumbbell shrugs.

Moving on to biceps, EZ bar bicep curls. 4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Last exercise for today are hammer curls, 3 sets of 10 reps.

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